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Student Conference

The annual Student Animal Law Conference will take place in person on Friday, September 27, 2024 at the Toronto Metropolitan University.


The Student Animal Law Conference is an opportunity for Canadian law students to meet, network, and learn from each other and animal law leaders. Students from other countries are also welcome to join. Click here to learn about how to apply for a student travel grant.​

Opportunities for Animal Advocacy in Law Schools

Fri, Sept 27

10:10am - 11:00am

Introductions from Camille Labchuk and Kip Phillips

10:00am - 10:10am


9:30am - 10:00am

Animal Justice Executive Director, Camille Labchuk and Student Program Lawyer, Kip Phillips welcome students to our student conference.

11:00am - 12:00pm

Animal Rights Law Careers Panel

Student Program Lawyer, Kip Phillips will facilitate introductions, and give an overview of the Animal Justice clubs’ program at law schools across Canada, including activities from recent years, what we offer to students, funding opportunities, and more!

The Animal Law Careers Panel is an opportunity for students to hear from wonderful animal rights lawyers who will share about their legal work in animal law and give students a chance to learn about their career trajectories. This session also includes a Q&A session to allow students to connect with these professionals.


Panelists: Alexandra Pester, Kira Berkeley and Marty McKendry  


Moderator: Animal Justice Student Program Coordinator Kip Phillips

12:00pm - 1:00pm

Networking Lunch with Animal Law Career Professionals

The Networking Lunch will include a delicious plant-based lunch and the opportunity to chat with animal rights lawyers.

1:00pm - 3:00pm

Animal Law Speed Moot

Students are invited to participate in an animal rights law speed moot! This is a low-pressure moot where we will speed-debate on an animal law topic, which will be sent to registrants in advance. This session will be run by esteemed panelists from the World Moot on International Law and Animal Rights Inc., who will provide the tools and encourage the attendees to make cutting-edge arguments for animal rights that challenge the status quo. Panelists will give a presentation on tips & tricks on how to moot, followed by preparation time for students to discuss the problem in groups, followed by a debate and debrief session.


Panelists: Angie Vega and Ankita Shanker

3:00pm - 3:30pm

3:30pm - 4:00pm


Awards and Closing

We will present the winners of our Animal Justice Student Essay contest. We will also share details about the exciting panels to come over the weekend at the Canadian Animal Law Conference, and give closing remarks.

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