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Marty McKendry

Senior Advisor

Parliamentary Strategy to Senator Pierre Dalphond and Senator Marty Klyne

Marty McKendry is a lawyer serving as Senior Advisor – Parliamentary Strategy to Senator Pierre Dalphond and Senator Marty Klyne. Marty played a key staff role in passing Canada’s 2019 ban on whale and dolphin captivity and, with former Senator Murray Sinclair, in introducing the Jane Goodall Act in 2020 to restrict the captivity of elephants, great apes, and other wild species. Marty currently works with Senator Klyne to advance the similar government Bill S-15, and works with Senator Dalphond to advance a ban on the export of horses for slaughter overseas.


Marty graduated from the University of Toronto’s law school in 2012 and also has a Master’s degree in philosophy from the same school.

Marty McKendry
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