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Valéry Giroux

Associate Director

Centre for Research in Ethics at the University of Montreal

Admitted to the Quebec Bar in 2001, Dr. Valéry Giroux obtained a Master's in law (2003), focusing on Canadian animal cruelty legislation reform, and a Ph.D. in philosophy, with a thesis on the fundamental rights of sentient beings published by L’ ge d’Homme (2017). Dr. Giroux is the Associate Director of the Centre for Research in Ethics at the University of Montreal (UdeM), where she continues her research in animal ethics. She co-authored Le Véganisme (2017) and authored L’Antispécisme (2020), both with Presses universitaires de France. Her contributions include "Les autres animaux en droit" (Revue du Notariat, 2018) and The Ethics of Animal Shelters (co-edited, OUP, 2023). A member of the Research Group in Environmental and Animal Ethics and a Fellow at the Oxford Center for Animal Ethics, Dr. Giroux regularly lectures and engages with the media on veganism, animal rights, and anti-speciesism. She supervises graduate students and, starting winter 2025, will teach the newly added animal ethics course in UdeM’s undergraduate philosophy program.

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Valéry Giroux
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